Baby is the size of a large coconut!
Hey baby girl,
Instead of doing the typical weekly update, your dad and I thought you might enjoy a snapshot of what a typical day in our lives looks like right now. Before reading that, take a glance at the sweet picture of the three of us (four if you include Gracie) from our baby shower on Saturday! Your grandmas put together a kick-butt party for 35 of our family and friends, despite the threat of a snowstorm. I ate too many taco rolls and opened gifts for at least an hour while guests competed for prizes in Bingo and a memory game. We are still in awe of how generous people are! Seriously, you have a wardrobe fit for a princess, and we have all the gear we need to make it look like we know what we're doing.
A Typical Day for Our Family
1. Your dad's alarm goes off at 5:40AM, but he doesn't hear it, so I wake him up.
2. As he goes downstairs to work out, I count the seconds of comfort I have left until my first alarm goes off at 5:45AM and second at 5:50AM. Amos and Olive know that my alarm means they will get breakfast soon, so they stand on the bed and glare at me (sometimes attacking my face) until I get up.
3. Your dad and I get ready for the day, the dogs make a couple of trips outside, and I am out of the door by 6:20AM to drive to school. Your dad leaves at different times depending on his class/work schedule.
4. Your dad has two jobs and a full class schedule in Madison, while I attempt teaching English to half-asleep and fully distracted high school students from 8AM to 3:25PM five days a week. My days are brighter when I see an email from Billy with an article link, a sweet message, or a random question.
5. I'm usually driving home by 3:40PM with Olive and Amos waiting by the back house door. I make something to eat, settle in on the couch with Netflix and the dogs, and relax while waiting for your dad to come home. It's a fun night when we are all home for dinner, but your dad's amazing work ethic keeps him in Madison late some nights. He is Superman, and I love him for all that he is doing to create a successful future and happy life for our family.
6. Finally, we tuck-in for the night before 10PM and get ready to take on another day after some sleep.
What Baby Girl's Typical Day Looks Like...
1. Wake mom up around 3-4AM to practice karate kicks against her ribs. Make her question whether or not she has to pee, OMG yes, oh-it's gone again, AHH! Run to the bathroom!
2. If mom doesn't eat breakfast within 30 minutes of waking up, remind her by making her feel nauseous.
3. Sleep for the next two's been a busy morning.
4. Mom's teaching? This is the perfect time for some hiccups and heartburn.
5. Yummy lunch! Now I must spend the next hour stretching mom's already massive baby bump by doing gymnastics. Must make it look like an alien is trying to escape...must freak out her students. Whoops! Muscle pain (or lightning bolt) down mom's side. Distract her with another dose of heartburn! Fireball! Fireball!
6. Nap time.
7. Gotta make the drive home more entertaining with some yoga. Look, mom! I'm touching the steering wheel with my elbow! Hey, you should probably go to the bathroom soon. Let me kick your bladder a couple of times so you understand the message.
8. Sleep.
9. If Amos is laying on mom's lap, he must be repeatedly kicked. Otherwise, more Zzzzzzz!
10. Huh, mom and dad are trying to sleep...everything is so calm and still...MOSH PIT TIME!