Total weight gain: 1.5 lbs
Stretch marks: Not yet.
Sleep: Loving the feeling of laying in bed, but having to toss and turn a bit more this week.
Best moment this week: Telling my CC family about the pregnancy. Received so much support and love!
Miss anything? I miss not feeling bloated and having control over my body.
Movement: None yet...hoping it comes soon.
Food cravings: Fruit, veggie hot dogs, Starbursts, Chinese take-out
Food aversions: Not really anymore! Finally started eating peanut butter again this week. Missed it.
Gender: No idea.
Labor signs: None.
Pregnancy symptoms: Heartburn, headaches every day, pain in the lower ribs was bad yesterday (none today)
Emotional state: Happy since being able to see the baby on an ultrasound and share the pregnancy with everyone we know.
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender in October, our doctor appointment tomorrow, adding to our baby supplies pile.
An avocado. I would not brag about that fruit.