Maternity clothes: Bought two pairs of maternity jeans, and I'm pretty sure I'm living the rest of my life in them.
Stretch marks: Not yet, but this belly is growing.
Sleep: Dear dogs, you do not need to wake me up at 2AM, and 4AM, and 5:20AM...seriously! I do not need the practice yet.
Best moment this week: Seeing the 20-week ultrasound and finding out the gender.
Miss anything? I miss not feeling bloated and having control over my body. Being able to bend over to pick things up off the floor without feeling like there's a road block in the form of a belly.
Movement: Every day I feel some movement. Billy felt it once (we think), but pretty soon it'll be too much to miss.
Food cravings: I'm just hungry. All of the time. Feed me.
Food aversions: No. Bring me all of the food.
Gender: Billy and I know! We'll be having a gender reveal party for our family in three weeks.
Labor signs: None.
Pregnancy symptoms: Definitely have a growing belly. The first person who randomly touches it without asking will be punched.
Emotional state: Happy and excited that we're past the halfway point. Getting the nursery painted this weekend and setting up some furniture.