Baby is the size of a cantaloupe!

Maternity clothes: Bought two pairs of maternity jeans, and I'm pretty sure I'm living the rest of my life in them.
Stretch marks: Not yet.
Sleep: Weird dreams almost every night interrupted by my wonderful dogs whining outside the bedroom door. Loving the cold weather at night so we can have more blankets piled on!
Best moment this week: Being able to be home early after school and spend time with my dogs. The baby appreciates the extra walks we are getting in and the earlier dinner time! I am always starving around 5:30PM. It might be time to add two dinners to the nightly schedule.
Miss anything? I miss not feeling bloated and having control over my body. Being able to bend over to pick things up off the floor without feeling like there's a road block in the form of a belly.
Movement: Every day I feel some movement. Billy can't feel it yet, but that baby is kicking and turning all of the time!

Food aversions: I still hate the idea of chips and salsa.
Gender: I think it's a boy. We'll find out on Thursday.
Labor signs: None.
Pregnancy symptoms: Definitely have a growing belly.
Emotional state: Happy and excited that we're at the halfway point. Starting to make check-lists for birth and supply items. Started to think about the birth and what we want from the experience.
Looking forward to: Finding out the gender in two days, painting the nursery and getting it organized. Excited for the holiday season and Hallmark movies.
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