How far along? 31 weeks
Baby is the size of a small pineapple!
Monday, after I dropped a mini Reese's Peanut Butter Cup on the floor (still in its wrapper) I faced an important life decision.
Do I risk severe injury from the weight of bending over to pick up the sad-looking treat? Or, do I consider it an act of fate and kiss the chocolate-peanut buttery goodness goodbye forever?
Of course I picked up the darn PB cup and enjoyed it as my reward for being brave in a moment of overwhelming unknown. It was delicious. And yes, I left my pride down on the floor in its place.
Other, slightly less dramatic, decisions Billy and I are facing carry more importance than whether or not to eat chocolate. We have had to decide on a name for our baby girl, talk about our parenting philosophies, discuss future career and home plans, choose between the green or pink hooded bath towel, and think about how to raise a strong and curious daughter in a world we hardly understand. Instead of relying just on our two minds, I've reached out to our immediate families for their input asking the following questions:
1. What advice would you give to a young girl growing up in our society?
2. If there is one song you want to pass down to baby girl Boutelle, what would it be?
So, baby girl...one day we will share this post with you. A post where the people who love you the most took time to share some wisdom and music. Here you go:
"Be compassionate and humane to those in need. Remember, you may think you have it bad, but there is always someone who has it worse."
"Experience real life - unplug and put down the electronic devices. Go outside and interact with those around you without distractions or filters. Hopefully by the time you are of age to read this, there will no longer be a 'glass ceiling'. If it still applies, break it. Never stop learning, push yourself outside of your comfort zone, embrace failures, say yes more often, and try new things. Laugh often - find a partner with a great sense of humor."
"Never give up on your dreams. You can be anything and everything you want to be, and do not let anyone tell you any different for you are so very special."
"Be confident but humble."
"Show empathy. Stay true to your core beliefs - stubbornness is not always a negative quality. However, be willing to listen to those with different views/opinions, and don't be quick to judge others for their choices. When difficult times arise remember that you control how you react to it. Choose joy. Lastly, asking for help is never a weakness."
"Ask your grandparents about the 'good old days'."
"Focus on the things you can control. You will get opportunities to enjoy life and you shouldn't let the things you can't control impact your performance."
"It's important to pick good friends, and stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. Don't let anyone push you around...there will always be bullies, just don't become one. Listen to your mom and dad; you may think they're only there to embarrass you and ruin your life, but in the end they're family and they love you more than you'll ever know."
"Life is short...eat your dessert first."
"Be thankful for all that you have. Regularly express your appreciation and love for those closest to you. Treasure and trust the love of your family. Lean on them when you need them, and be there for them as well"
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