Friday, June 1, 2018

12 Weeks In

Dear Joey,

You are twelve weeks and one day old. Every day your daddy and I look at you and wonder how we could make something so beautiful. We love you! More than words can say.

To mark this special time in our lives we want to give you a snapshot of what a typical day in our home looks like...

6:15AM - The alarm goes off, I wake your dad, and he starts getting ready for work while also taking care of the dogs. Usually you are half awake in your bassinet and sucking your thumb, so I move in to change your diaper and do a morning feeding. This is my favorite moment of the day! As I rub your belly and say, "Good morning sunshine", you look up at me, move that thumb out of your mouth and smile a big toothless grin. We share some morning cuddles in the big bed, and your dad kisses us both goodbye before he heads off to work. Then...we sleep!

8:15AM - I sneak downstairs to have breakfast and take care of some chores while you sleep for the next hour.

9:30AM - You tell me through the monitor to come get you and bring you downstairs for some milk. We rock in our chair while you eat and watch some TV until you fall asleep for another nap.

10:30AM - 3:30PM - This chunk of time is reserved for mommy and Joey playtime! You're becoming more aware of toys and sounds, so we play simple games with your blanket (kick it off your feet) and rattles. Just a few days ago you discovered how amazing it is to see your reflection in the playmat mirror. Your daddy and I laughed while we watched you make big faces and wriggled around. Guess what? You still hate tummy time! However, I make you practice your turning over and head lifting so you can grow big and strong. Sorry, honey! Off-and-on during this time you take short naps, eat, and give me a smelly diaper to change. We also talk a lot...or I talk and you babble. And we smile at each other...all day you bring joy to my heart with that big full-face smile.

3:30PM - 4:30PM - You and I go on a walk around the neighborhood as long as it's not raining or too hot. I do the work, and you fall asleep.

4:45PM - Daddy calls us as he starts his drive home from work.

5:30PM - 8:00PM - Dinner, taking turns running, chores, work, TV all gets done while we trade off playing with you and getting some Joey cuddles.

8:00PM - 9:00PM - FUSSY TIME! This actually starts at 7:30, but the main grumpiness hits at 8. Your dad and I load you up in the stroller and do a two-block nighttime walk to keep you content. Usually the dogs join us, and this is when we all get to talk and plan future life adventures.

9:00PM - 10:00PM - Bath time for Joey a couple of times a week, last feeding with mom, and bedtime. For the past week you have fallen asleep and woken back up for a belly rub or quick cuddle, but overall bedtime is at 9:30 and you are out for the night. I get up a couple of times throughout the night to pump, but your dad is sound asleep storing up some energy for the next day.

Joey-girl, we love every second we get to spend with you. Being your mommy and daddy gives us meaning and purpose. We still have no idea what we're doing, but as a team of five (Olive and Amos included) we are figuring it out as we go. As you continue to grow and learn, we promise to enjoy the simple moments of love and joy.

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