You are 4 months and 17 days old. Two days ago you and I spent my 30th birthday together; we walked, talked, napped, read, and played all day. It was the best birthday I could have asked are the best gift I've ever been given.
Since turning 30 is a milestone in a person's life, one where life experiences are supposed to have brought wisdom and maturity to one's heart and mind, I want to share some of my thoughts/lessons with you. Here is my disclaimer: what has worked or not worked for me may be completely different for you. This is not a how-to-be-successful-in-life guide...this is a how-I've-made-it-this-far-and-what-I've-learned infomercial. Read it, laugh at my ridiculousness, and understand that your moma isn't perfect, but she's always trying to be better. That's all any of us can really strive for.
1. Never be afraid to dance in public. I spent many middle and high school dances hiding in the corner by the cardboard decorations or behind the counter of the concession stand when I could have been under the sparkling lights making a fool of myself. As an adult and with your dad by my side, I've taken to the dance floor more often (we even went to a ballroom dancing class once - we suuuuuuucked).
2. Laugh, laugh, laugh. Finding the humor through difficult times has helped me keep my sanity. Yes, I may reference penises too much, but that ever not funny? Random fact: I was kicked out of my seventh grade science class because I giggled at the word penis every time it was said in the doc/educational video that was playing.
3. Read all the books. Trust me will be smarter, more creative, have more empathy, and will never run out of new people or worlds to know. Your dad and I read together; we take turns picking a book, and we read it out loud while we're riding in the car or sitting at home. One day this will be a family activity where you can have a turn, too. Guess what? You and I have been reading the first Harry Potter book (okay, you've been sitting on your butt smiling at me while I read) and we're two-thirds of the way through it.
4. Ask for help. So many of life's challenges could have been handled better or more quickly if I just would have had the courage to ask somebody I trusted for help. I have always been afraid of burdening other people, so I tend to take on too much and then feel like a failure when I can't do it all as well as I want to. Guess what? YOU ARE NEVER A BURDEN TO PEOPLE WHO LOVE YOU! Note to self: remind Joey of this every day.
5. Don't just talk - take action. We all need to vent and should never feel bad about releasing some steam, but complaining doesn't fix problems. Be brave, be assertive, and punch the sky as you celebrate taking action to address/fix the thing you were complaining about. A lot of times this involves just changing perspective and practicing empathy. Sometimes action requires serious life changes that are scary and exhausting. I am in a moment of talk vs. action right now...quitting my job as a teacher was terrifying because it was a safe career that provided a stable income for our family. However, I had talked too long about wanting something more than a paycheck; having you made me want to take a risk and pursue some dreams of mine. Will it work out? NO IDEA! Stay tuned for the fairy tale ending...please don't let this be a M. Night Shyamalan movie.
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